Traditionally, slightly smaller agencies with proportionally smaller budgets have a tough time providing a top-notch transit experience to their riders.
In the past, standing up a mobile ticketing/transit tracking platform costs money that you generally don’t have in the budget. More nimble agencies tend to feel that giving riders a great experience is a “nice to have” not a “must have” and figure riders will get along just fine doing what they’ve always done.
Those two reasons provide a chicken and the egg scenario: Without the proper resources dedicated, the rider experience isn’t prioritized and rider numbers stay stagnant or slowly decrease.
In the face of COVID, there’s a growing need to give riders a super easy way to purchase their tickets in a touchless manner, track their buses, and know proper cleaning and social distancing is taking place, even if you only have a few fleet vehicles that aren’t always at capacity.
Typically, having these features within an app would cost tens of thousands of dollars to stand up and come with a long implementation timeline. Tixora is different. We're here for the more nimble agencies who want to ramp up their rider experience without breaking their budgets with fixed costs.
This sort of functionality can be found with Token Transit or Hopthru (see our comparison of mobile ticketing + transit tracking platforms here), but mobile ticketing is only one piece of the puzzle.
Your riders don’t want to have one app for mobile ticketing, one for tracking buses, and one for alerts, all while having to check out your website for updates. We give you an off-the-shelf solution that does everything for your riders in one spot, all while giving you complete control over your back office ticketing and rider analytics.
If this sort of functionality seems like it might be useful for your more agile agency, give us a holler at - we can talk about the pros and cons of switching to a new platform, how to properly market this switch to your riders, and discuss any other questions and/or concerns you might have.